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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

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News list

  • LH PhD student Thea Zöllner wins Best Paper Award at AEDE

  • Second International Leading House Conference on the “Economics of Vocational Education and Training”

    June 12, 2024 (late afternoon) – June 14, 2024 (lunchtime), University of Zurich

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2024

    We congratulate the Winners of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2024. Patrick Lehnert is awarded the first prize. The runner-up prizes are awarded to Patricia Palffy and Tobias Schultheiss.

  • Dr. Tuor Sartore left the Leading House VPET-ECON

  • New PostDoc joins the Leading House Team Bern

  • New Director of Operations joins the Leading House Team Zurich

  • Patricia Palffy successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations!

  • Video Podcast by Journal of Small Business Economics

  • New PhD Student joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Uschi Backes-Gellner Mitglied der Gründungskommission der neu geschaffenen «Deutschen Agentur für Transfer und Innovation»

  • Patricia Palffy awarded PERSONALquarterly Best Paper Award

  • Apply now for the Course Program for Doctoral Students in Economics of Education

  • Policy Brief über die Rolle von Fachhochschulen für Berufsbildung, Innovation & Regionalentwicklung

  • Successes of the Leading House at the XXXI AEDE Meeting

  • Patricia Palffy awarded for best PhD Presentation

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2022

  • Assistant/Doctoral student in "Business Administration" or "Management and Economics", 70%

  • Die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt: Schmalenbach-Tagung 2023

  • New PhD Student joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Aus der Forschung für die Praxis: Inside Berufsbildung Podcast mit Patricia Palffy

  • Stellenangebot Doktorierende*r in „Betriebswirtschaftslehre“ oder „Management and Economics“ (70%)

  • Stellenangebot: Assistenz Events und Kommunikation

  • The Leading House welcomes three new Assistant Professors

  • DigiKompetenz Podcast mit Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner

  • "Stepping up" - Review of the event with honorary doctor Prof. Eric P. Bettinger

  • Stellenangebot: 2 Doktorierende in „Betriebswirtschaftslehre“ oder „Management and Economics“

  • "Stepping up – Intergenerational Mobility and Identifying New Pools of Talent" - Event on 22.9.2022

  • Stellenangebot Doktorierende*r in „Management and Economics“ oder „Betriebswirtschaftslehre“

  • Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Zürich – Damiano Pregaldini für den SDG Impact Award nominiert

  • Erste Internationale Konferenz in Berufsbildungsökonomie

  • First International Conference on the Economics of Vocational Education and Training

  • New Postdoc joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2021

  • Guest Lecture Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull, Inge Strauch Visiting Professor

  • New PhD student joins Leading House Team Bern

  • New PhD student joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • New PhD student joins Leading House Team Bern

  • Fabienne Kiener successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations!

  • Stellenangebot Doktorierende*r in „Management and Economics“ oder „Betriebswirtschaftslehre“

  • University of Zurich invites applications for an Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) in «Business Economics, with a focus on Personnel Economics, Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning»

  • University of Zurich invites applications for an Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) in «Business Economics, with a focus on Personnel Economics, Innovation and Vocational Education»

  • Post-Doc in Personnel Economics/Economics of Education

  • Stellenangebot 2 Doktorierende in „Management and Economics“ oder „Betriebswirtschaftslehre“

  • Wie berufsspezifisch sollte die Berufsbildung sein?

  • Inauguration ceremony for the new “Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON”

  • Feierliche Eröffnung des neuen «Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON»

  • Tobias Schultheiss successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!

  • Our Team in Bern is looking for two PhD Positions in VPET Economics (80%)

  • Apply now for the Course Program for Doctoral Students in Economics of Education

  • New PhD student joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Neues «Leading House» wird auf bewährtem Fundament errichtet

  • New "Leading House" established, building on solid foundation of previous work

  • Im Umfeld von Fachhochschulen gedeihen Innovationen

  • Damiano Pregaldini successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!

  • Ehrenpromotion für Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner

  • Tobias Schlegel successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!

  • Stellenangebot Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende mit Möglichkeit zur Promotion in Betriebswirtschaftslehre oder Management and Economics

  • Stefan Wolter Keynote Speaker at the 7th Congress on Research in VET

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2020

  • Stefan C. Wolter elected to two new mandates

  • Professor Edward P. Lazear has passed away

  • Panel on “The Future of VET” organized by the World Bank

  • Published in the "NZZ" on October 1st, 2020: "Everything better without examinations?"

  • New Book on the Economics and Governance of Vocational and Professional Education and Training

  • Patrick Lehnert successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2019

  • The Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the provision of apprenticeship in Switzerland

  • Marco Pereira wins «UZH-2019 Fall Semester Prize» for his bachelor thesis

  • Cancellation of Leading House Lecture of March 24th!

  • 18th Leading House Lecture on Economics of Education held by Prof. Paul Osterman, MIT Sloan School of Management

  • Prof. Backes-Gellner Mitglied im neu etablierten "Rat der Arbeitswelt" in Deutschland

  • New paper on transitions after layoffs and the role of occupational skills

  • Christian Eggenberger successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!

  • Studie zum Beitrag der Schweizer Berufsbildung zu Innovation

  • Katharina Jaik successfully defended her doctoral thesis. Congratulations!

  • New doctoral student joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2018

  • Call for Papers: The Economics of Vocational Education and Training

  • Apply now for the doctoral programme in economics of education

  • Future Options for an Apprenticeship System in Colorado (USA)

  • Panel discussion: What can the US learn from VET in Europe?

  • Is apprenticeship training a cost-effective model for firms in Italy?

  • Now open: Nomination for the «Prize for the best Dissertation in the Economics of Education 2017/2018»

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2017

  • Jason Blunier wins «UZH-2017 Fall Semester Prize» for his bachelor thesis

  • Apprenticeship training in England - a cost-effective model for firms?

  • Digitisation and its consequences for employment in Switzerland

  • Fachhochschulen und Innovation

  • Three Questions to Leading House Alumnus Prof. Dr. Stephan Nüesch

  • Peter Hoeschler successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!

  • Schmeller Price awarded to Luca Moretti

  • Christa Pálffy successfully finished the “Berufsbildnerkurs” (Certificate for Vocational Trainer)

  • Prof. Backes-Gellner again among “Top 100 Women in Business in Switzerland”

  • Keynote Speech of Prof. Wolter on STEM and Gender

  • New PhD student (Tobias Schlegel) joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Three Questions to LH Alumna Maria Olivares

  • Curdin Pfister has successfully defended his dissertation

  • New PhD student joins Leading House Team Zurich

  • Prof. Backes-Gellner participates in the “Day of the Economy 2017” organized by economiesuisse

  • Three Questions to LH Alumna Dr. Silvia Teuber

  • Leading House cooperates for the third time with KOF/ETHZ on “Summer Institute for International Educational Reform Leaders”

  • Three Questions to LH Alumna Mirjam Strupler Leiser

  • Leading House members participate in Bike to Work 2017

  • Three Questions to LH Alumnus Maximilian Wolf, Professor for Corporate Management and Human Resources at the University of Applied Sciences Albstadt-Sigmaringen

  • Prof. Backes-Gellner gave Lead Lecture at University of Tübingen

  • Three Questions to Leading House Alumnus Dr. Jan Sauermann

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2016

  • New PhD student joins our team

  • Winner of the UZH Annual Dissertation Award 2017 of University of Zurich: Miriam Rinawi

  • Three Questions to Leading House Alumnus Dr. Jens Mohrenweiser

  • New Special Issue on "Personnel Economics and VET" in Evidence-based HRM

  • Three Questions to Leading House Alumnus Dr. Simon Janssen

  • Best Paper Award of the 5th Congress on Research in VET

  • Prof. Dr. Wolter elected Chairman of the Committee of Economics of Education

  • Three Questions to Leading House Alumni Prof. Dr. Samuel Mühlemann

  • Interview with Prof. Backes-Gellner in "Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik"

  • January Newsletter of the SERI is online

  • 15th Leading House Lecture on Economics of Education held by Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger on “Additional Career Assistance and Educational Outcomes for Students in Lower Track Secondary Schools“

  • Interview with Prof. Backes-Gellner on educational curricula and digitalization

  • Just three weeks away from the COPE 2017


  • LH Paper choosen for Papers and Proceedings issue of American Economic Review

  • Ten successful years for the Leading House Economics of Education are coming to an end

  • Swiss professionals swept 6 medals at EuroSkills 2016 in Gothenburg

  • Contracts for another funding phase of the Leading House on Economics of Education have been signed

  • December Newsletter of the SERI is online

  • Prof. Dr. Uschi Backes-Gellner member of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

  • Alumni-Networking-Event marks 10-year anniversary of the Swiss Leading House on Economics of Education, Firm Behaviour and Training Policies!

  • 14th Leading House Lecture on Economics of Education held by Prof. Thomas Dohmen on “Patience and the Wealth of Nations“

  • Wall Street Journal cites research by Miriam Rinawi and Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner

  • Leading House cooperates for the second time with KOF/ETHZ on “Summer Institute for International Educational Reform Leaders”

  • Published in the "NZZ" on June 29th, 2016: "An Apprenticeship Training System Needs no Subsidies"

  • Call for Papers "20th Colloquium on Personnel Economics February 1st - 3rd, 2017, University of Zurich"

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2015

  • Keynote on international developments in vocational education and training in Toronto

  • Prof. Dr. Wolter referiert in Kanada zu Kosten und Nutzen der Berufsbildung für Unternehmen

  • Prof. Dr. Wolter speaks in Cambridge and Ottawa

  • 13th Leading House Lecture on Economics of Education held by Prof. David Marsden on „Teachers' reactions to performance pay in England and Wales"

  • 12th Leading House Lecture on Economics of Education held by Stuart W. Elliott on „Computers and the Future of Skills and Productivity"

  • Public Opinion on the financing of the Swiss educational system

  • Applying the Swiss model of apprenticeship training to Chicago

  • Dual education system at the German-Spanish Forum

  • Keynote Speech at „The Economics of VET“ Conference in Bonn

  • Keynote Speech at the "Pathways to Prosperity Network"

  • Costs and benefits of apprenticeship training for Spanish firms

  • What is the public's opinion?

  • Published in the "Sonntagsblick" on August 9th, 2015: "Which class-size offers the best learning environment?"

  • Call for Papers "19th Colloquium on Personnel Economics March 9th to 11th, 2016, RWTH Aachen University"

  • Leading House cooperates with KOF/ETHZ on “Summer Institute for International Educational Reform Leaders”

  • Leading House Best Paper Award 2014

  • Call for Applications: 4th Course Programme for Doctoral Students in "Economics of Education"

  • New research centre for vocational education at LSE

  • Lohnunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen sind dort höher wo Gleichberechtigung klein geschrieben wird

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter gives "Skyline lecture" about PISA data

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter holds workshop on apprenticeship training in Spain

  • Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation legt Jahresgutachten vor

  • Prof. Dr. Backes-Gellner presents research on vocational education in US-Congress

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter speaks about dual apprenticeship training in Barcelona

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter bietet neu den Masterkurs „Bildungsökonomie“ in Basel an

  • Prof. Dr. Backes-Gellner New Vice Chairwoman of the Verein für Socialpolitik

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter referiert im österreichischen Parlament

  • Professor Dr. Edward Paul Lazear (Stanford University) to offer discussion workshop on Personnel economics and economics of education

  • Welchen Schülern nützt eine Verkleinerung der Klassengrösse?

  • 11th Leading House Lecture on Economics of Education held by Prof. Dr. Pedro S. Martins on „Labour market institutions, reforms and outcomes: the case of Portugal during the Eurozone crisis"

  • Prof. Dr. Wolter referiert auf Einladung des Arbeitsministers in Nordirland

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