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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Leading House Best Paper Award 2015

We congratulate the Winners of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2015!

The jury - consisting of the members of the Leading House Advisory Board - awarded the first prize to Samuel Muehlemann for his paper “Hiring costs for skilled workers and the supply of firm-provided training” (with Marc Blatter, Samuel Schenker, and Stefan Wolter), published in the Oxford Economic Papers.

The runner-up prizes are awarded to Johannes Meuer and Christian Rupietta for their paper “Layers of co-existing innovation systems” (with Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Research Policy and Simon Janssen and Simone Tuor Sartore for their paper “Discriminatory social attitudes and varying gender pay gaps within firms” (with Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in the Industrial and Labor Relations Review.

