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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Prof. Dr. Backes-Gellner presents research on vocational education in US-Congress

On February 23, Prof. Dr. Backes-Gellner presents research on the Swiss Dual Apprenticeship Training system in a U.S. Congressional Briefing. She summarizes the empirical research results of the „Swiss Leading House on the Economics of Education“ on the returns of Apprenticeship training for firms and individuals. A special focus is the institutional framework that successful training systems require.

The Swiss delegation, from left to right: Walter Siegenthaler (Executive Vice President Daetwyler), Tracy Dove (Office of Science Technology, and Higher Education at Swiss Embassy in Washington), Sarah Daepp (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Bern), Uschi Backes-Gellner (Professor for Business Adminstration, Zurich University), Therese Steffen (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Bern), Kim Hunziker (Office of Science Technology, and Higher Education at Swiss Embassy in Washington), Andreas Ledergerber (Head of Office of Science Technology, and Higher Education at Swiss Embassy in Washington).

