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The “Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON: A Research Center on the Economics of Education, Firm Behavior and Training Policies” is a project under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Uschi Backes-Gellner (University of Zurich) and Prof. Dr. Stefan C. Wolter (University of Bern), funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Through the “Leading House VPET-ECON”, the SERI supports the long-term development of Swiss research on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET).
The research is undertaken by five research divisions, each focusing on different topics. The promotion of young researchers starts with the Leading House “Course Program for Doctoral Students in Economics of Education” and continues with a whole set of additional development instruments. Knowledge transfer is ensured by a set of networking and transfer activities across researchers and practitioners.
June 12, 2024 (late afternoon) – June 14, 2024 (lunchtime), University of
Neu fasst das Leading House wichtige Resultate und Erkenntnisse aus seiner Forschung