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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

New Special Issue on "Personnel Economics and VET" in Evidence-based HRM

The Journal Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship has published a new special issue on "Personnel economics and vocational education and training", edited by Samuel Muehlemann and Stefan C. Wolter.

The articles shed light on important questions, such as:

  • what types of skills should better be provided at the workplace rather than at (vocational) school,
  • how pre-school competencies are associated with the productivity of trainees at the workplace,
  • how the wage returns to training differ by vocational compared to an academic education,
  • whether there are spill-over effects from different types of education at the workplace,
  • and how we can make use of existing research on the return on investment to apprenticeship training in a country with a traditional apprenticeship system to help implement a dual VET system in a country that previously relied on school-based education.

Access to the articles is free until April 8th, 2017.


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