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We congratulate the winner of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2012, Dolores Messer, for her paper (co-authored by Guido Schwerdt, Ludger Woessmann, and Stefan Wolter) The Impact of an Adult Education Voucher Program: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment published in the Journal of Public Economics 2012 (link) (with addition mention of her paper (co-authored by Sascha Becker and Stefan Wolter) "A Gift is Not Always a Gift: Heterogeneity and Long-term Effects in a Gift Exchange Experiment" published in Economica 2012).
The runner-up prizes 2012 are awarded to Regula Geel for her paper (co-authored by Uschi Backes-Gellner) Earning while Learning: When and How Student Employment is Beneficial published in LABOUR 2012 (link)...
...and Samuel Muehlemann for his paper (co-authored by Romy Braendli and Stefan Wolter) Invest in the best or compensate the weak? An empirical analysis of the heterogeneity of a firm's provision of human capital published in Evidence-Based HRM 2012 (link). Congratulations!
Winner: Christian Eggenberger
Runner-up: Noémi Péter, Tobias Schlegel and Curdin Pfister
Winner: Curdin Pfister and Miriam Koomen
Runner-up: Filippo Pusterla, Tobias Schlegel and Curdin Pfister
Winner: Maria Zumbühl
Runner-up: Patrick Lehnert, Damiano Pregaldini
Winner: Insa Weilage
Runner-up: Miriam Rinawi
Winner: Jens Mohrenweiser
Runner-up: Aurélien Abrassart , Mirjam Strupler Leiser
Winner: Simone Balestra, Christian Eggenberger and Miriam Rinawi, Noemi Peter
Winner: Samuel Mühlemann
Runner-up: Simone Balestra, Katherine Caves and Simone Balestra
Winner: Samuel Mühlemann
Runner-up: Johannes Meuer and Christian Rupietta, Simon Janssen and Simone Tuor Sartore
Winner: Yvonne Oswald
Runner-up: Johannes Kunz, Samuel Mühlemann
Winner: Samuel Mühlemann
Runner-up: Simon Janssen
Winner: Dolores Messer
Runner-up: Regula Geel, Samuel Mühlemann
Winner: Samuel Mühlemann
Runner-up: Katja Görlitz, Samuel Mühlemann, Jürg Schweri
Winner: Katja Görlitz
Runner-up: Simone N. Tuor Sartore, Samuel Mühlemann and Harald Pfeifer and Günter Walden and Felix Wenzelmann
Winner: Jens Mohrenweiser and Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick
Runner-up: Stefan Denzler, Maria Cattaneo
Winner: Thomas Zwick and Thomas Hempell
Runner-up: Dr. Stephan Veen