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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Leading House Best Paper Award

The Award

The Award aims to honour the best published paper in a refereed journal on a topic related to the Leading House VPET-ECON. Two additional prizes are awarded as runner-up prizes. The reputation of the journal is considered as one of the main factors for awarding the prize.

Eligible for the award are all papers published in a journal in 2022 that are authored or co-authored by a person working in the Leading House or at one of the two chairs of the Leading House Directors. Additionally, papers of PhD-students admitted to the Leading House Course Programme and presenting in the Friday Lunch Talk on VPET Economics are also eligible. Eligible papers must have been published in the Leading House Working Paper Series until one year after employment at one of the Leading House chairs has ended, or for external PhD-students until one year after the Course Programme or PhD is finished.

The jury awarding the Leading House Best Paper Awards consists of the members of the Advisory Board of the Leading House.


Patrick Lehnert
Patrick Lehnert

We congratulate the winner of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2023, Patrick Lehnert, for his paper Proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery: Filling data gaps across time and space (co-authored with with Michael Niederberger, Uschi Backes-Gellner and Eric Bettinger), published in PNAS Nexus in 2023 (link).

Patricia Palffy
Patricia Palffy

The runner-up prizes 2023 are awarded to Patricia Palffy for her paper Social norms and gendered occupational choices of men and women: Time to turn the tide? (co-authored with Patrick Lehnert and Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Industrial Relations in 2023 (link)...

Tobias Schultheiss
Tobias Schultheiss

... and to Tobias Schultheiss for his paper Different degrees of skill obsolescence across hard and soft skills and the role of lifelong learning for labor market outcomes (co-authored with Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Industrial Relations in 2023 (link).

Best Paper Award Ceremony 2023

Advisory Board and Best Paper Award Winners


Christian Eggenberger
Christian Eggenberger

We congratulate the winner of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2022, Christian Eggenberger, for his paper The value of specific skills under shock: High risks and high returns (co-authored with Simon Janssen and Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Labour Economics in 2022 (link).

Dr. Noémi Péter
Dr. Noémi Péter

The runner-up prizes 2022 are awarded to Noémi Péter for her paper Willingness to compete, gender and career choices along the whole ability distribution (co-authored with Thomas Buser and Stefan C. Wolter), published in Experimental Economics in 2022 (link)...

Tobias Schlegel
Tobias Schlegel

...and to Tobias Schlegel and Curdin Pfister for their paper Tertiary education expansion and regional firm development (co-authored with Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Regional Studies in 2022 (link).

Dr. Curdin Pfister
Dr. Curdin Pfister

Best Paper Award Ceremony 2022

Advisory Board and Best Paper Award Winners


Dr. Curdin Pfister
Dr. Curdin Pfister

We congratulate the winners of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2021, Curdin Pfister and Miriam Koomen, for their paper Regional innovation effects of applied research institutions (co-authored with Dietmar Harhoff and Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Research Policy in 2021 (link).

Dr. Miriam Koomen
Dr. Miriam Koomen
Filippo Pusterla
Dr. Filippo Pusterla

The runner-up prizes 2021 are awarded to Filippo Pusterla for his paper Is technological change really skills-biased? Firm-level evidence of the complementarities between ICT and workers' education (co-authored with Thomas Bolli), published in Economics of Innovation and New Technology in 2021 (link)...

Tobias Schlegel
Tobias Schlegel

...and to Tobias Schlegel and Curdin Pfister for their paper Innovation effects of universities of applied sciences: an assessment of regional heterogeneity (co-authored with Dietmar Harhoff and Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in The Journal of Technology Transfer in 2021 (link).

Dr. Curdin Pfister
Dr. Curdin Pfister


Best Paper Award Ceremony 2021

Participants Advisory Board Meeting and Best Paper Award Winners


Dr. Maria Zumbühl
Dr. Maria Zumbühl

We congratulate the winner of the Leading House Best Paper Award 2020, Maria Zumbühl, for her paper Parental involvement and the intergenerational transmission of economic preferences, attitudes and personality traits (co-authored with Thomas Dohmen and Gerard Pfann), published in The Economic Journal in 2020 (link).

Patrick Lehnert
Patrick Lehnert

The runner-up prizes 2020 are awarded to Patrick Lehnert for his paper Employment of R&D personnel after an educational supply shock: Effects of the introduction of Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland (co-authored with Curdin Pfister and Uschi Backes-Gellner), published in Labour Economics in 2020 (link)...

Damiano Pregaldini
Damiano Pregaldini

...and to Damiano Pregaldini for his paper Girls' preferences for STEM and the effects of classroom gender composition: New evidence from a natural experiment (co-authored with Uschi Backes-Gellner and Gerald Eisenkopf), published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization in 2020 (link).


Winner: Patrick Lehnert

Runner-up:  Patricia Palffy, Tobias Schultheiss


Winner: Christian Eggenberger

Runner-up:  Noémi Péter, Tobias Schlegel and Curdin Pfister


Winner: Curdin Pfister and Miriam Koomen

Runner-up:  Filippo Pusterla, Tobias Schlegel and Curdin Pfister


Winner: Maria Zumbühl

Runner-up:  Patrick Lehnert, Damiano Pregaldini


Winner: Insa Weilage

Runner-up:  Miriam Rinawi


Winner: Jens Mohrenweiser

Runner-up:  Aurélien Abrassart , Mirjam Strupler Leiser 


Winner: Simone Balestra, Christian Eggenberger and Miriam Rinawi, Noemi Peter


Winner: Samuel Mühlemann

Runner-up:  Simone Balestra, Katherine Caves and Simone Balestra


Winner: Samuel Mühlemann

Runner-up:  Johannes Meuer and Christian Rupietta, Simon Janssen and Simone Tuor Sartore


Winner: Yvonne Oswald

Runner-up:  Johannes Kunz, Samuel Mühlemann 


Winner: Samuel Mühlemann

Runner-up:  Simon Janssen


Winner: Dolores Messer

Runner-up:  Regula Geel, Samuel Mühlemann


Winner: Samuel Mühlemann

Runner-up:  Katja Görlitz, Samuel Mühlemann, Jürg Schweri


Winner: Katja Görlitz

Runner-up:  Simone N. Tuor Sartore, Samuel Mühlemann and Harald Pfeifer and Günter Walden and Felix Wenzelmann


Winner: Jens Mohrenweiser and Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick

Runner-up:  Stefan Denzler, Maria Cattaneo


Winner: Thomas Zwick and Thomas Hempell

Runner-up:  Dr. Stephan Veen