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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Second International Leading House Conference on the “Economics of Vocational Education and Training”

June 12, 2024 – June 14, 2024, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Conference Program

Leading House Conference Program 2024 (PDF, 309 KB)

Main Conference Keynote Speakers

The main conference included two keynote speeches by Hannah Virtanen and Pierre Cahuc. The presentations of the two main conference keynote speeches are available below.

The conference also celebrated the “50th Anniversary of the Edding Commission and Cost-Benefit Analyses of Apprenticeship Training” with several special sessions.

The special sessions included two keynote addresses (podcasts below), a panel discussion with the practitioners

  • Christian Buske, Ministry of Education Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
  • Rémy Hübschi, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation in Switzerland
  • Harald Pfeifer, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Germany
  • Jürg Schweri, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training

as well as two paper sessions on cost-benefit analyses organized jointly with Harald Pfeifer (BIBB) and Jürg Schweri (SFUVET) (cf. conference program (PDF, 309 KB)).


Keynote address on the historical context by Dieter Sadowski, Trier University

Keynote address on current cost-benefit analyses by Samuel Mühlemann, LMU

Main Conference Keynote Speakers

  • Hanna Virtanen, ETLA, Finland

Download Presentation (PDF, 2 MB)

  • Pierre Cahuc, SciencePo, France 

Download Presentation (PDF, 1 MB)


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