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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Project Gender, competitiveness and STEM

Can gender differences in competitiveness explain why girls shy away from math-intensive study programs and occupations?

(Erklären geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Wettbewerbsneigung warum Mädchen von mathematikintensiven Studiengängen und Berufen Abstand nehmen?)

There is fast growing literature showing that boys and girls differ in their taste for competitions. New studies try to link these differences to real world outcomes and decisions. In first study we replicated findings from the Netherlands, showing that in Switzerland, differences in competitiveness can explain up to 14% of the gender specific difference between boys and girls in academic baccalaureate schools (Gymnasien) when choosing math-intensive specializations vs. less math-intensive specializations (Buser et al. 2017). In the new part of the study we will apply the same analysis to entire range of abilities and thereby also cover the decisions when choosing math-intensive vs. less math-intensive apprenticeships.


"Gender, willingness to compete and career choices along the whole ability distribution." Swiss Leading House Working Paper No. 135, 2017. By Thomas Buser, Noemi Peter and Stefan Wolter.

"The Strength of Gender Norms and Gender-Stereotypical Occupational Aspirations Among Adolescents." Swiss Leading House Working Paper No. 151, 2018. By Andreas Kuhn and Stefan C. Wolter.

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