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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Project Occupational specificity

Occupational specificity of VET

(Spezifität von Ausbildungsberufen und berufliche Mobilität)

An important question in the recent debate on educational policies is whether the early specialization of VET-traning in a particular occupation might later on turn into a disadvantage when workers change jobs during their employment careers. The goal of this project is to examine the specificity of different training programs and their effects from an economic perspective. For this purpose, we first develop an empirical measure to assess the specificity of different training programs. In a second step, we examine how this empirical measure correlates with the labor market outcomes of workers trained in more or less specific occupations. In particular we look at their wages and occupational mobility.


"Occupational Specificity: A new Measurement Based on Training Curricula and its Effect on Labor Market Outcomes." Swiss Leading House Working Paper No. 106. 2017 (first version 2015). By Christian Eggenberger, Miriam Rinawi and Uschi Backes-Gellner.

"Different Types of IT Skills in Occupational Training Curricula and Labor Market Outcomes." Swiss Leading House Working Paper No. 159, 2019. By Fabienne Kiener, Ann-Sophie Gnehm, Simon Clematide and Uschi Backes-Gellner.


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