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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Project Skill prices, skill composition & wage structure

Skill prices, skill composition & wage structure

(Returns to Education: Ausbildungsberufe im Strukturwandel und Lohn)

In the current public discussion fears are expressed that technological change could lead to large job losses. This debate draws largely on Anglo-Saxon studies. However, the results might differ for countries with a dual vocational education and training system like Germany and Switzerland. One advantage of the dual vocational education and training system is that the broad bundle of tasks learned within an occupation can be flexibly adapted to cope with technological change. The aim of this project is to analyze over long periods of time the career prospects of VET graduates in the context of technological change.


"Occupational Tasks and Wage Inequality in West Germany: A Decomposition Analysis." Swiss Leading House Working Paper No. 112, 2019 (first version 2015).  By Miriam Rinawi and Uschi Backes-Gellner.

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