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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Project Educational composition

Educational composition, socio-demographic composition of work groups and productivity of workers

(Bildungsstruktur, soziodemographische Zusammensetzung von Beschäftigungsgruppen und Produktivität von Arbeitnehmern)

The educational composition of the Swiss workforce is rather heterogeneous. The reason is the highly differentiated vocational educational system in combination with an academic educational system aimed at top education. However, empirical evidence on the effect of educational diversity on workers’ productivity or pay and in particular on the effect of educational diversity in interplay with other socio-demographic characteristics (e.g., nationality, occupational position) is scarce. The aim of this project is to analyze how the effect of educational diversity within work groups depends on the composition of the work group in terms of other socio-demographic characteristics.


"Students' Selection and Heterogeneous Effects of Classroom Gender Composition: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Switzerland." Swiss Leading House Working Paper No. 152, 2018. By Damiano Pregaldini, Uschi Backes-Gellner and Gerald Eisenkopf.

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