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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Project 6

Analysis of governmental expenditures on education

Our investigation of governmental expenditure on education has an exploratory character. Such governmental expenditure can be examined in various ways. However, the fact that up to now no meaningful data on the outputs of educational institutions (which would be helpful in determining the efficiency of these institutions) can be compared with the expenditures as inputs is problematic.

First, the data concerning expenditures on a Swiss regional level (cantons) and later on a school level would have to be tested for comparability and most likely followed up. Then, preliminary tests on differences in expenditures per apprentice as well as the analysis of time trends in the expenditures would be allowed for the inter-cantonal level. These analyses would provide insight into the factors that determine expenditures on education. Consequently, relevant output measures would be sought, and by means of these, first efficiency analyses could be performed. 

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