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Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON

Project 1

Vocational training and productivity effects

Since the willingness of the enterprises to create training places is a compelling condition for the operability and the continuity of the dual training, the question about the effects of vocational educational measures on the productivity of the enterprises must be in the core of a vocational training-economic research program.

The research will be to analyse what surrounding can guarantee a sufficient large number of training places annually, matching both the needs of the economy, and the qualitative requirements of the potential apprentices. In order to fulfil these two demands, it is crucial to know in which way the training of apprentices contributes to the entrepreneurial success of companies.

Training places, which show a direct reference to the entrepreneurial success, are not only the condition for a increased willingness of the companies to offer training places, but also an increased warranty for qualifying training, which the job market ability of the learning effectively improves. By the latter also the state wins in the long run, which can thereby lower the expenditures in other national scopes (further training, post-qualification, unemployment insurance, etc…).

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